Everyone wants to become a better programmer. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. This article will help you make this goal easier and more achievable. You will learn four tips that will help you improve your programming skills and become a better programmer.

16 Tips to Become a Better Programmer Part 1.

16 Tips to Become a Better Programmer Part 3.

16 Tips to Become a Better Programmer Part 4.

Master one language

Ask many developers and programmers on what becoming a better programmer means and you will get similar answer. Becoming a better programmer is about learning tone of languages. The math here is simple. The more programming languages you know the better programmer you are. At least, this is the theory.

In practice, this often doesn’t work. The problem is that absolutely nothing guarantees you progress just because you learn new programming language. What often happens is that although people learn a lot of programming languages, they are not good at any of them. They can read the syntax and maybe write something short,but that’s all.

This is also why the term “Jack-of-all-trades” has such a bad connotation. Unfortunately, this term, the “Jack-of-all-trades”, is actually incorrect in this situation. When you have only very shallow understanding of many programming languages you are not “Jack-of-all-trades”. You are “Jack-of-no-trades”.

Knowing more languages doesn’t make you a better programmer

This is not the worst thing. What’s even worse than that is that you are pretty much unemployable. Think about it. Would you employ a developer or programmer who can write a simple program in dozens of languages but who can’t write anything more complex even in one? Probably not. This guy would probably had no chance of getting the job.

You are effectively putting yourself in this guy’s position if you think that quantity can supplement quality. Meaning, the amount of programming languages you know a bit about can supplement how well you know at least one programming language. False assumption that never works. If this is your plan, you had better pivot.

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16 Tips to Become a Better Programmer Pt.2
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