Rapid cluster deployment, the right tooling, and unparalleled support

To keep pace with changing market dynamics, companies are under tremendous pressure to adopt the cloud native stack to speed up innovation. Technologies such as Kubernetes are enabling new startups and established companies to rapidly scale their operations and grow at an unprecedented pace. Fintechs are some of the early adopters of these technologies, gaining increasingly more market share and putting pressure on the traditional financial services industry.

But deploying, managing, and running Kubernetes – particularly in enterprise cloud native environments – can be challenging, even for these early adopters

Kubernetes gaps and complexities

Today’s IT departments tend to run lean, and deploying Kubernetes clusters requires time and expertise that can take resources away from innovation and value generation tasks.

Managing Kubernetes at enterprise-scale is also compromised by a lack of tooling. The everyday management apparatus that IT teams expect from their enterprise platforms – such as logging, monitoring, disaster recovery, auditing, and automation elements – are missing from vanilla Kubernetes. If a node goes down, IT has no way of finding out what went wrong or automating a fix – slowing time to restore and extending application downtime for business users.

Security is also a concern; misconfigurations can expose the enterprise to risk. A report found that more than 40,000 container systems operate under default, insecure configurations and 65% of cloud incidents are due to misconfigurations. Kubernetes also lacks built-in permission and access controls – key components of enterprise-grade security.

#case studies #kubernetes

Partnering with fintech to deliver the promise of Kubernetes at enterprise-scale
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