Learn how to train your very own YOLOv4 custom object detector in Google Colab! Get yolov4 built with darknet and running object detections in minutes. Walk-through the steps to gather your own custom dataset, configure YOLOv4 for training, and then train your own custom object detector to detect whatever classes and objects you want. ALL WITH FREE GPU! This tutorial covers it all.

In this video included:

  1. Setting up Google Colab as a Cloud VM with Free GPU.
  2. Commands to Build Darknet
  3. How to Gather Custom Training and Validation Datasets
  4. Configuration for Custom YOLOv4 Training in the Cloud
  5. Training Custom YOLOv4 Object Detector
  6. Validating Custom Model with mAP
  7. Running Custom Model with Detections

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#yolov4 #machine-learning #objectdetection

YOLOv4 in the CLOUD: Build and Train Custom Object Detector
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