How to learn to write an essay on literature? Our article is dedicated to the answer to this question. Writing an essay is one of the most difficult and important tasks in teaching. First of all, let’s take a look at the word itself. Composition … Its composition includes the root “rank”. Its meaning is “hierarchy”, “order”. In other words, the composition is an order of thoughts, which is dictated by the material of analysis and the chosen theme.
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Why is the presentation of thoughts more difficult for some students?
The question of how to learn to write a topic on literature is often asked not only of schoolchildren who are not given this task in any way but also of parents who cannot help their children, as well as teachers who are looking for new methods and methods for teaching children to write this type of work. For many schoolchildren, this is real flour, and they do not understand classmates who, when writing a composition, light up their eyes.
Why is this happening? We are all very different people. Some like to fantasize, act, argue, reason. So, as a rule, I like to write essays. They also often ignore advice and work on inspiration. The question of how to learn to write an essay on literature in front of these lucky people is usually not worth it. But others are lost. The options for solving this problem are critical literature, the Internet, and even friendship with fellow amateurs to express their thoughts in writing. In this article we will give our answer to the question of how to write the essay in the most competent way.
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Different types of work
At school, we get acquainted with the different types of this Company: essays, essay-description, reasoning, miniature essay on a literary work, etc. Each of them has its own structure and has its own requirements for writing, what that we must not forget. For example, the essay is closer to literary creation. It is worth paying special attention when working on it, not only on the content of the text but also on the beauty, images, ease of presentation. And in the essay topic necessarily present three parts: the introduction (which included abstracts), the bulk (examples and tests) and the exits (expression of their views on the works of the theme). Describing the miniature, we note that it consists of a thesis, in addition to its explanations.
Problematic topics
The themes of the composition are different. The problematic ones are those in which questions of anaesthetic, scientific or ethical nature are raised. Their wording often includes the term itself (the “problem”), which will tell you how to write an essay. Examples: “The problem of the past in Nikolai Gogol’s poem” Dead Souls “,” Does happiness organize heroes of Tolstoy Dostoevsky? "
Comparative themes
Comparative suggests comparing two or more objects with a certain formulation of characteristics. Usually included in the formulation of such arguments are several objects that are connected by the union “and”. Example: “Kirsanov’s son and father in the novel” Fathers and Sons “by I. Turgenev.”
Browse topics
Topics covered include extensive material coverage, often its reproductive presentation (i.e., review) and description. Their content sometimes involves examining the transformation of an object over time. In a topic, in some cases, comparative elements are included, that is, the change of something over time. Such formulations will ask you how to write an essay. Examples: “Leo Tolstoy’s image of war in war and peace”, “Moscow and Muscovites in Bulgakov’s work”, etc.
Other types of themes
Revealing the characteristics of the creator’s mastery works on the theme require a good knowledge of the concepts of literary criticism. You must be able to characterize the characters, see the characteristics of the narration, analyze the descriptions (interior, portrait, landscape), understand the composition of the text. The main thing is to see the ideological and aesthetic value of these elements. Example: “Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s skill in depicting Russian history”.
The compositions on the citation suggest the identification of the subject of this statement, the formulation of a problematic problem.
Most of the topics are mixed, which include elements of the sorts described above. There are also free ones, which are often based on the author’s daily experience.
Schoolchildren are often interested in how to learn write essay reasoning. The goal is to convince the reader of something, to correct or change his opinion on the question. The basis of this type of work, the core of it is an understandable, clearly articulated and motivated from different perspectives the main idea, which should be the only one. Answering the question of how to learn to write compositional reasoning and other types of work, it is worth mentioning some rules.
Rules that will help you when creating a theme
Perhaps, to someone, they will seem not so important, but the problem, in this case, is unlikely to move from the place. The main failures concern only the carelessness of the main rules.
Composition is a genre that negates writing. By choosing “juicy” phrases and phrases from finished works on critical literature, we do not enrich it at all, but only typical plagiarism. In doing this, we still don’t know how to write a paper on the subject of the work. Undoubtedly, students should turn to criticism, but only to direct their thoughts in the right direction, to make sure that the main idea is understood correctly, the essence of the problem is grasped.
Work philosophy, disseminated by other authors, can provide assistance for a deep understanding of the subject, for internal work. However, statements, conclusions, impressions and thoughts should belong to only one person - the creator of the work. “Yet, how to learn to write an essay on literature in this case?” - ask.
If you need to write an article about a specific literature work (which is the most common for schoolchildren), you should first read the work. Not suitable for this is just a summary. True interest in literature can only be awakened by reading the original. The short content reflects only the surface layer, on the basis of which deep work with the text is impossible. To create a good composition, you should independently see in the story, poem or novel an unusual story, a deep meaning, relevance and a talented word.
It is very useful to read the good works created by other authors. Samples of them can now be found in a variety of sources. They will come in handy when we write an essay on literature. Examples of where they can be found - special benefits, collections, magazines. After reading some of these examples, you will appreciate the features of the style, the language of the author, the structure.
And finally, the last rule: never sit down for a clean sheet. You must already have a certain plan in your head, the image of the future text. It is difficult to imagine what and how to write, sitting at the desk. But, for example, when you walk, go to the store, wash the dishes, you can come up with a future composition. It is worth trying this method - the result will pleasantly surprise you.
To write good work, you need to have a literature essay plan on hand. What is this? The literature work plan always includes the following three parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.
The purpose of the introduction is to anticipate what will be spoken in the main part. The beginning of the composition is a place where you can express your feelings and thoughts. The introduction “advertises” the further text, carries away the readers. Here it will be appropriate to use interesting statements, epigraphs and also to indicate the general mood of your work. As you know, the hardest thing is getting started. For this part to turn successful, it is necessary to formulate it the key problematic questions - those that can be answered in the context of you proposed a topic and then selecting one or two of them that will reveal themselves in your essay, demonstrating this choice. provide the terms you will use in the response, identify them, which will show their understanding from the author. Don’t be afraid of question marks. Formulate boldly interrogative sentences. The beginning of the composition (introductory part) sometimes briefly characterizes the work itself or the time of its creation, if the topic proposed by the author involves the analysis of a particular aspect.
The main part
The main part is the disclosure of the essay’s theme. For example, if this is an image of a hero, you should consider it holistically, without leaving any important details “overboard” - after all, they were noticed for something by the creator of the work. You shouldn’t write if the topic of writing is not fully understood if the plot is lost somewhere. In this case, it may be necessary to reread the work. Don’t be afraid to ask the teacher questions - he will only approve of your curiosity and interest. The main part should be a demonstrative and detailed answer to the questions asked by you in the introduction. In it you have to convince the reader that you have correctly entered them and solved them correctly. This is the biggest part in terms of volume.
An example of thinking represented by some critic, you can develop if his idea is highly appreciated: present your observations, explain them in your own words. Evaluate later, if it is related to the main theme of your work, with the general text. But it is still preferable to resort to quotes, which will highlight your preparation and awareness, will seem ethical.
And finally, the conclusion. The main task of this part is to take stock of your reasoning, presented in the second part, as well as the problematic problems you formulated in the introduction. It is necessary to summarize the conclusions, using the terms and keywords that are included in the formulation of the given topic: often there are words like “landscape”, “image”, “composition”, “problem” and others. In the final conclusions, repeat them. Remember that the introduction and conclusion about the content in many respects repeat each other. Only the form changes from the interrogation to the affirmative.
It should be noted that not all cases are necessary to apply the proposed model. How to write a theme, decide individually. The choice of points depends on the reader’s alertness, the degree of preparation, the ability to determine the main thing. However, it is recommended that you follow the plan we have come up with, so there will be no difficulty in understanding how to learn to write essays. The EGE, for example, evaluates the presence of three elements: entrance, main body and conclusion.

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