Argo Workflows is an open source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on K8s. Argo Workflows is implemented as a K8s CRD (Custom Resource Definition). As a result, Argo workflow can be managed using _kubectl_ and natively integrates with other K8s services such as volumes, secrets, and RBAC. Each step in Argo workflow is defined as a container.

  • Define workflows where each step in the workflow is a container.
  • Model multi-step workflows as a sequence of tasks or capture the dependencies between tasks using a graph (DAG).
  • Easily run compute intensive jobs for ML or Data Processing in a fraction of time using Argo Workflows on K8s.
  • Run CI/CD pipelines natively on K8s without configuring complex software development products.

You can list all workflows as:

kubectl api-resources | grep workflow
kubectl get workflow              # or just `kubectl get wf`

Argo CLI

Get list of all argo commands and flags as:

argo --help

Here’s a quick overview of the most useful argo command line interface (CLI) commands.

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You can also run workflow specs directly using kubectl but the Argo CLI provides syntax checking, nicer output, and requires less typing.

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Deploying Applications

First install argo controller:

kubectl create namespace argo

kubectl apply -n argo -f

Examples below will assume you’ve installed argo in the argo namespace. If you have not, adjust the commands accordingly.

NOTE: On GKE, you may need to grant your account the ability to create new clusterroles

kubectl create clusterrolebinding YOURNAME-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin

Consider sample micro-service application instana with its source code named robot-shop.

It can be deployed as easy as:

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Getting a list of application Pods and wait for all of them to finish starting up:

# watching as Pods are being created withing given namespace
kubectl get pods -n robot-shop -w

Once all the pods are up, you can access the application in a browser using the public IP of one of your Kubernetes servers and port 30080:

echo http://${kube_server_public_ip}:30080

Argo Workflow Specs

For complete description of Argo workflow spec, refer to spec definitions, and check Argo Workflow Examples.

Argo adds a new _kind_ of K8s spec called a _Workflow_. The _entrypoint_ specifies the initial template that should be invoked when the workflow spec is executed by K8s. The entrypoint template generally contains _steps_ which make use of other templates. Also, each template which is _container_ based or _steps_ based (as opposed to _script_ based) can have _initContainers_.

_The _**_kubectl apply_**_ issue with _**_generateName_**_ field of _**_Workflow_**:

Argo CLI can submit the same workflow any number of times, and each times it gets a unique identifier at the end of name (generated using generateName). But if you use kubectl apply -f to apply a Argo workflow, it raises resource name may not be empty error. As a work-around, you can either use:

  • kubectl create instead of kubectl apply, or
  • Arogo CLI instead of kubectl apply, or
  • Use name filed containing a unique identifier instead of using generatedName field with generic name


Let’s look at below workflow spec:

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Here is how **_steps_** look like in json:

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This suggests that top level elements in _steps_ have to be group of steps and they run sequentially, whereas the individual steps within each group run in parallel.

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Designing Workflows Using Argo
13.15 GEEK