Flipping Cards for your React Projects


React-Flippy allows you to create flipping cards in React projects. It can be used as controlled or uncontrolled component.



Live Demo

How to install ?

npm install react-flippy or yarn add react-flippy

How to use ?

import Flippy, { FrontSide, BackSide } from 'react-flippy';
// ... component class
render() {
	// .. return
    flipOnHover={false} // default false
    flipOnClick={true} // default false
    flipDirection="horizontal" // horizontal or vertical
    ref={(r) => this.flippy = r} // to use toggle method like this.flippy.toggle()
    // if you pass isFlipped prop component will be controlled component.
    // and other props, which will go to div
    style={{ width: '200px', height: '200px' }} /// these are optional style, it is not necessary
        backgroundColor: '#41669d',
      style={{ backgroundColor: '#175852'}}>

API for Components


Prop Name Description Values Default
flipDirection Direction of flip effect horizontal/vertical horizontal
flipOnHover Should card flip on mouse hover true/false false
flipOnClick Should card click on mouse click/touch true/false true
isFlipped If you pass isFilipped prop component will be “controlled react component” and flipOnHover, flipOnClick functions will not work. You must handle this functionalities with your own logic. undefined/true/false undefined
…props Other props will be passed to container.

Note: Flippy component has a function named “toggle” in its reference.


Prop Name Description Values Default
animationDuration Duration of flip animation, should be used equal with back side for a good view. number 600
elementType Dom element type for card dom element types div
…props Other props will be passed to card.


Prop Name Description Values Default
animationDuration Duration of flip animation, should be used equal with front side for a good view. number 600
elementType Dom element type for card dom element types div
…props Other props will be passed to card.


To run sample project, clone the repository and run yarn && yarn start To build project, clone repository and run yarn && yarn build


0.1.5 New build system targeting es5 modules.


Thanks to: https://github.com/fffilo/flipper I have used same methodology for style management.

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Download Details:

Author: sbayd

Live Demo: http://flippy.sbaydin.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/sbayd/react-flippy

#reactjs #javascript #react

Flipping Cards for your React Projects
31.30 GEEK