Kubernetes (often stylized “K8s”) won the battle of container orchestration tools years ago. Nevertheless, there are still many ways to implement Kubernetes today and make it work with various infrastructures, and many tools—some better maintained than others. Perhaps the most interesting development on that front, though, is that the top cloud providers have decided to release their own managed Kubernetes versions:

  • Microsoft Azure offers the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • AWS offers the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Google Cloud offers the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

From a DevOps perspective, what do these platforms offer? Do they live up to their promises? How do their creation time and other benchmarks compare? How well do they integrate with their respective platforms, especially their CLI tools? What’s it like maintaining and working with them? Below, we’ll delve into these questions, and more.

Note: For readers who would like the concepts of a Kubernetes cluster explained before they read on, Dmitriy Kononov offers an excellent introduction.

AKS vs. EKS vs. GKE: Advertised Features

We’ve decided to group the different features available for each managed Kubernetes version into silos:

  • Global Overview
  • Networking
  • Scalability and Performance
  • Security and Monitoring
  • Ecosystem
  • Pricing

Note: These details may change over time as cloud providers regularly update their products.

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Kubernetes: AKS vs. EKS vs. GKE
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