The push pipe implementation#

The main idea behind the push pipe is a new way of handling change detection.

If all values are transported over Observables we know exactly when a value changes and could trigger the change detection.

Even more, we could trigger it only in the needed parts of our application.

In Angular’s ViewEngine there are 2 options to render content:



markForCheck marks the related component as dirty and the next change detection of zone.js will trigger the rendering.

In comparison, detectChanges triggers the change detection immediately whether or not_ zone.js_ is present.

Ivy equivalents are:

- ɵdetectChanges

- ɵmarkDirty

As the push pipe should serve as a drop-in replacement for the async pipe, used in Angular v8, v9, and v10 we had to implement only a little change in the pipes code.

Switching from

tap(v => { this.value = v; this.ref.markForCheck(); })


tap(v => { this.value = v; this.ref.detectChanges(); })

With that in place we can already run Angular without zone.js.

If we would use it a bit and count the number of change detections we realize that multiple render calls are done for a single change.

A naive example could look like this:

selector: 'app-display',
template: `
  {{observable$ | push}}
export class DisplayComponent {
  observable$ = of(1, 2, 3);

#angular #rxjs #change-detection #push-pipe #reactive-programming #push pipe

Angular Push Pipe, Tutorial, Usage, Performance, Zone Less
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