Cloudflare TV is inspired by television shows of the 90s that shared the newest, most exciting developments in computing and music videos. We had three basic requirements for Cloudflare TV:

  1. Guest participation should be as simple as joining a Zoom call
  2. There should be 24x7 programming. Something interesting should be playing all the time
  3. Everything should happen in the cloud and we should never have to ask anyone “to leave their computer on” to have the stream running 24 hours a day

We didn’t set out to build Cloudflare TV from scratch

Building a lot of the technology behind Cloudflare TV from scratch was not part of the plan, especially given our aggressive timeline. So why did we decide to pursue it? After evaluating multiple live streaming solutions, we reached the following conclusion:

  • 24x7 linear streaming is not something that is a priority for most video streaming platforms. This makes sense: the rise of video-on-demand and event-based live streaming has come at the expense of linear streaming.
  • Most broadcasting platforms have their own guest apps which must be downloaded and set up in advance. This introduces unnecessary friction compared to clicking a link in the calendar invite to join a video call.

#cloudflaretv #live streaming #stream #zoom rtmp

Building Cloudflare TV from scratch
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