Top 5 Javascript Projects Best Start for Developers [ With Full Video ]

JavaScript projects are guided tutorials or javascript project ideas that help you sharpen your skills by building real applications, websites, games, components, etc. Sometimes you will find project ideas that just contain a title and a few sentences of what you should build.

However, if you are new to web development, it’s often better if you look for JavaScript project examples with source code or specific JavaScript projects for beginners. These often contain a running demo application, a GitHub repository with the source code, and a step-by-step guide on how to build the project.

Today I will introduce to you 5 Javascript projects that in my opinion are the best starting point for beginners.

1: Build A Weather App With Vanilla Javascript Tutorial | Javascript For Beginners

Today I wanted to focus more on building an actual project using vanilla javascript. This video is intended for those who are looking on creating their first projects using javascript

📔 Materials used in this video:

Darksky API :
Icons :

2: Virtual Keyboard in JavaScript - HTML, CSS & JavaScript Tutorial (Project Video)

In this video we’ll be creating a virtual keyboard using pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript (no libraries required). This is done from scratch and is easy to integrate, responsive and touch-friendly.

I think projects like this are super helpful for learning web development or specifically HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. You don’t always need a library or framework to create good looking UI components.

Link to code:

Google Material Icons:

3: Javascript Projects - Shopping Cart

In this video will guide you to build a Shopping Cart project with Javascript

Setup Files

4: Build A Meditation App With Javascript HTML & CSS!

I am super excited to bring you another vanilla javascript project that we are going to build from scratch!

We will be creating a meditation/ambient sounds app that a user can enjoy by picking the amount of time to listen to and choose different ambient sounds.

We will take a look at working and manipulating music and video with javascript and how to build out a timer.

📔 Materials used in this video:

5: Pure JavaScript - Learn JavaScript By Building A Real-World Application From Scratch

Pure JavaScript - Learn JavaScript By Building A Real-World Application From Scratch

Modern JavaScript Frameworks like Angular, React and Vue.js makes it very easy to build complex single page web applications. However, using a those frameworks is not mandatory and you can also go with plain and pure JavaScript. This tutorial guides you through building a web application in pure JavaScript step-by-step.

Live Demo:
Source Code:


Top 5 Javascript Projects Best Start for Developers [ With Full Video ]
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