
LI-Calib is a toolkit for calibrating the 6DoF rigid transformation and the time offset between a 3D LiDAR and an IMU. It’s based on continuous-time batch optimization. IMU-based cost and LiDAR point-to-surfel distance are minimized jointly, which renders the calibration problem well-constrained in general scenarios.


  • ROS (tested with Kinetic and Melodic)
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-pcl-ros ros-melodic-velodyne-msgs
  • Shell
  • Ceres (tested with version 1.14.0)
  • Kontiki (Continuous-Time Toolkit)
  • Pangolin (for visualization and user interface)
  • ndt_omp

Note that Kontiki and Pangolin are included in the thirdparty folder.


Clone the source code for the project and build it.

## init ROS workspace
mkdir -p ~/catkin_li_calib/src
cd ~/catkin_li_calib/src

## Clone the source code for the project and build it. 
git clone

## ndt_omp
wstool init
wstool merge lidar_IMU_calib/depend_pack.rosinstall
wstool update
## Pangolin
cd lidar_imu_calib_beta
### build
cd ../..
source ./devel/setup.bash

#machine learning

A toolkit for calibrating the 6DoF rigid transformation and the time offset
1.40 GEEK