If you are beginning to feel burnt out on learning a subject it is often beneficial to take a step out of the weeds. I like to build something fun and easy to regain positive momentum on my learning journey. This is one project that helped get my creative juices flowing again. Load my notebook from my GitHub repository into Google Colab and upload the Kaggle data set to learn how to build an image classifier using the fastai software! Don’t forget to set the hardware accelerator to GPU!

P.S. Directly upload notebook to Colab by going to File →Upload Notebook → GitHub Tab→BSamaha/Chest-Xray-FastAI

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How to easily upload a GitHub Notebook to Google Colab


The Dunning-Kruger Effect

You have set a goal such as wanting to be a data scientist or data engineer. Your passion and energy are through the roof as you rifle through all the material on the subject you can find. Perhaps you even started a coding boot camp or a Coursera class to be your guide on your path to data mastery. Your brain becomes saturated with dopamine as you quickly rack up quick wins. First, it was basic python programming. Then you made your first linear regression with sci-kit learn — machine learning isn’t so bad after all! You quickly absorbed all information thrown at you. Nothing can stop you.

I’ve been there, and I still go there. I am human after all. I’m referring to the peak of “Mt. Stupid” in The Dunning-Kruger Effect. Linear regression was easy with a perfectly curated data set, but that’s not reality. Finally, after about a month or two of flying through the material with ease, you hit a wall named statistics. You grind through it and barely make it out — except you feel like you haven’t retained anything. Do people remember all this distribution stuff? Spoiler Alert: yes, and you will be questioned about them. As you pursue on you realize your python skills are nowhere near where they should be. You decide to look at a couple of job postings and then it hits you. You don’t have an advanced graduate degree in computer science, and you don’t know how to pronounce some requirements of the job much less know what they are — Hadoop? Welcome to the Valley of Despair. You want to quit and move on with your life.

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Deep Learning Image Classification with Fastai
1.10 GEEK