Spongebob-ifier Made Using Deno


This is an app that lets a user put in a string and get back the spongebob-ified version(randomly capitalized) like this:

thiS Is an aPp ThAt letS A USer put iN a sTring And get baCk thE spOnGebOb-IfiED VErSIoN(rANDomLy cApitALizED) LIke ThIS:

It’s made with a Deno and typescript backend and an html and ts front end. (this is the first time i’ve ever used typescript so it’s very basic)

Spongebob-ifier Demo

how to get it working locally

1: server

  1. install deno to your machine

  2. clone the repo on to your local machine

  3. cd into the server folder and run command “deno run --allow-net index.ts”

2: client

  1. cd into the client folder

  2. run a web server using anything you want (i used python cause it’s easy) on any port.

Download Details:

Author: alexthehaszard

Source Code: https://github.com/alexthehaszard/spongebob-ifier

#deno #nodejs #node #javascript

Spongebob-ifier Made Using Deno
2.10 GEEK