AzureFunBytes is a weekly opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals and foundations that make up Azure. It’s a chance for me to understand more about what people across the Azure organization do and how they do it. Every week we get together at 11 AM Pacific on Microsoft LearnTV and learn more about Azure.

This week I welcome Captain America himself, Donovan Brown to discuss how to be a super hero to your Kubernetes clusters using Helm. We’ll have a discussion on what made Donovan take interest in Helm and how he got started learning to use it. We’ll also dive into Donovan’s new role as Partner Program Manager in the Office of the CTO.

Some of our agenda:

  • We are going the cover the importance of truly learning a tool versus just using it.
  • We will start with an empty folder and build a Helm chart file by file making errors along the way.
  • Then we will show you a full chart that you will now be able to read and understand.

4:31 – Intro to Donovan’s new role at Microsoft

21:01 – Starting from zero

25:53 – A perfectly created chart

31:07 – ConfigMap

38:37 – Functions in Helm

45:00 – An AzureFunBytes exclusive function demo

55:26 – Is it required to know Kubernetes and Docker before getting started with Helm?

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AzureFunBytes - Demystifying Helm with @DonovanBrown
1.15 GEEK