Review the ways you can refactor your wordy and confusing cascading if/else if and switch statements in JavaScript with this tutorial.

JavaScript is an extremely flexible programming language used to build pretty much anything you can think of, from websites, web applications, and desktop applications, to UIs for smart devices, server-side applications, and more.

JavaScript’s flexibility is what has allowed for its broad feature set — but, as we know, it is also responsible for some strange behaviors that have ignited developers’ imaginations. Some of the code we’ve written is uniquely suited to solving these strange problems in smart and elegant ways; some isn’t.

In this article, we’ll focus on analyzing the different ways developers have replaced wordy and confusing conditional statements — in particular, cascading if/else if and switch statements. Why? Because in JS, we can do better than just using if.


Refactoring Cascading Conditionals in Favor Of Readability In JavaScript
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