In this post, you are going to learn about Django Signals using real-life examples. And by the end of this tutorial, you have a good understanding of what Django Signals are and their applications.

Table of Contents

  • Model Signals
    • pre_init
    • post_init
    • pre_save
    • post_save
    • pre_delete
    • post_delete
  • Conclusion

While working with large multiple tables were each table share one-to-one or many-to-many which are inter-connected

to each other as a programmer change a simple way must by manually updating dependent fields. But this can be a tidies task to achieve.

For Example:

Let us consider two tables user, profile the user share a one-to-one relationship with the profile table which has date_of_birth, age, address as fields.

While updating or creating users we must also create/update profiles and this has to be done everywhere were user details get updated.

Hence insisted on rewriting the same code. We can make use of Django signals.

Model Signals

Django Signals trigger event application whenever the model gets created, updated, or deleted in this way we can manage logic by minimum code.

We have a blogs table and we’ll be using this as an example below.

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