It is basically a tool which enables developers to create,deploy and to run any application easily as light-weight container ,which could run virtually anywhere.The main purpose of Docker is to easily develop applications. It further ship them into containers so that they can then be deployed anywhere. This feature is very helpful to developers. And most importantly it is an open source. This means that anyone can contribute to this and extend it to meet their own needs if they need additional features that aren’t available out of the box.

Today, Docker, and its open-source is way much bigger. Over 3.5 million applications have been placed in containers using this technology and over 37 billion containerised applications have been downloaded. Docker also refers to Docker, Inc., the company that sells the commercial version of Docker, and to the Docker open source project, to which Docker Inc. and many other organisations and individuals contribute.

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Docker-Why Developers Love Docker? Just Have A Look!
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