Highchart provides feature to draw different type of charts in our web application. Here, in this example i will let you know that how to use highchart in php application.

In this example, we will create chart using php and mysql. Actually highchart provides javascript library to create charts. We will only need to implement that library in our application.

We will need some data to generate chart, so here we will use mysql database and database query to fetch data from database.

So basucally here we will leran to implement simple dynamic column chart using highcharts library in php and ofcourse will use mysql database.

For for that, first thing we will need to create a database and tables where we will put some data. So for full example let’s follow the steps as given below.

Step 1: Create Database

Here for example, i will create a database named shopping and under this database we will need to create some tables, here i will create only two table one is to stroe customers information and another to store orders.

So run the following query in your query window.

Create customers table



  `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,

  `email` varchar(30) NOT NULL,

  `phone` varchar(15) NOT NULL,

  `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


Now you will to put some data into these two tables. You can put any data accoring to the column and your need. After putting data we can be able to show the chart according the the data.

Step 2: Create database configuration

Now we will need to create configuration file. So let’s create a new db configuration file **db_config.php **and put the following code into this file.


  $dbHost = "localhost";
  $dbDatabase = "shopping";
  $dbUser = "root";
        $dbPassword = ""; 

  $mysqli = mysqli_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPasswrod, $dbDatabase);

#php #create highchart in php #generate highchart in php #high chart using php and mysql example #highchart example #how to implement high chart in php #how to use highchart

How to use highchart in php with example
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