Redux has become one of the most popular libraries in front-end development since it was introduced by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015. They designed it as the successor for Flux, with the support of some developer tools and a few more concepts embedded in it.

Flux is a fancy name for observer pattern further modified to support React. Both Flux and Redux consist of similar concepts like Store, Actions (events in the application). In other words, Flux is a simple JavaScript object but with some middleware like redux-thunk. It can be a function or a promise for Redux. However, Redux is a single source of truth with concepts like immutability, which improve performance. It is one of the main reasons for Redux to dominate in State Management.

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Flux vs Redux comparison source:

Despite its advantages, some developers have found it rather challenging to deal with Redux due to the amount of boilerplate code introduced with it. And the complexity of the code seems to be another reason for the difficulty.

In this article, we will look at how to reduce the boilerplate code brought about by Actions and Reducers using Redux-Actions

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Reduce Redux Boilerplate Code with Redux-Actions
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