In this course, we will understand the complete #javascript course from scratch. In this course, you will learn nuts and bolts of javascript.
Who can take this course?
This course is for everyone who want to learn programming techniques. All you have to learn is to code. When you have enough knowledge coding you will able to work with any programming language.
We are going to learn all concept of JavaScript to learn and master in it. there is lot more to learn.
Here we learn JavaScript, starting from scratch and go on to advanced concepts like OOP.

What we are learning in this course:

An Introduction to JavaScript
Code editors
Hello, world!
Code structure
The modern mode, “use strict”
Data types
Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
Conditional operators: if, ‘?’
Logical operators
Loops: while and for
The “switch” statement
Function expressions and arrows
JavaScript specials
Garbage collection
Symbol type
Object methods, “this”
Object to primitive conversion
Constructor, operator “new”
Recursion and stack
Rest parameters and spread operator
The old “var”
Decorators and forwarding, call/apply
Function binding
Currying and partials
Arrow functions revisited
Class inheritance, super
Class checking: “instanceof”
Native prototypes
Methods for prototypes
Class patterns
Property flags and descriptors
Property getters and setters
Prototypal inheritance
Recursion and stack
Rest parameters and spread operator
Global object
Function object, NFE
The “new Function” syntax
Array methods
Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet
Object.keys, values, entries
Destructuring assignment
Date and time
Error handling, “try…catch”
Custom errors, extending Error
and lot more…

I will teach you almost 64 lectures where you will learn all concept about JavaScript. This is a complete course for absolute beginners. if you don’t have any experience about programming and you are new to learn javascript then this course is for you.

#es6 #javascript

ES6 Javascript Tutorial | Full course for Beginners
35.85 GEEK