Angular Material is a material library that we need to install for better UI/UX. We will use the Angular 9 and Angular Material 9 library. Angular Material is ground running with large, modern UI components that work across the web, mobile, and desktop.

Angular Material helps in creating faster, beautiful, and responsive web apps and websites. You can find more about Angular Material on their  official docs.

Angular 9 Material Example

Angular Material components will help us in constructing attractive UI and UX, consistent, and functional web pages and web applications while keeping to modern web design principles like browser portability and compatibility, device independence, and graceful degradation.

We use Angular 9 CLI to generate a new Angular project and Angular Material 9 library for this demo. If you don’t know about Angular 9, then check out:  Angular 9 CRUD Tutorial.

#angular 9 #angular 9 cli #angular material

Angular 9 Material Example Tutorial For Beginners
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