Unix is a family of operating systems originally developed at Bell labs in the 1970s. Some of its most famous variants include: Ubuntu, MacOS, and Linux. They all have an interactive command line interpreter, accessible through your terminal, called shell, that allows you to do a variety of tasks ranging from creating files and folders, to running scripts or even shutting down your computer.

Pretty much anything you can do using your mouse and keyboard can be done through a Unix shell (like bash, csh, ksh). In this article, we will explore 17 terminal commands that every code beginner should know.

Before we start, we should mention that every command can be combined with a modifier that enhances the way that it works. Command modifiers follow the format below:

Command_name -modifier
Example: ls -a

The command _ls_is combined with the modifier _-a_to list all files in a directory.

Additionally, multiple modifiers can be combined to achieve multiple functions on the same line. The format for that is:

Command_name -ab (where a, b are separate modifiers)

#programming #unix #bash #terminal #commands

17 Useful Terminal Commands for Coders
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