ES2020 or ECMAScript 2020 brings exciting features to JavaScript. In this article, I want to talk about my favourite features from ES2020. That means the article does not cover all the additions. Thus, let us see my favourite new additions:

  • Dynamic Import
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator
  • Optional Chaining Operator
  • Private Class Variables
  • Promise.allSettled

For more information and all the additions, have a look at the official ECMAScript Language Specification. Additionally, you can have a look at the finished proposals.

Dynamic Imports

One of the additions is that we can import dependencies dynamically with async/await. That means we do not have to import everything before, and we can import the dependencies only when we need them. As a result, the performance of the application improves by loading the modules at runtime.

How does it improve performance? With the conventional module system, we import the modules statically at the beginning of the program. Whether we need them now or later, we have to import them first. Also, all the code from an imported module is evaluated at the load time. Thus, it slows down the application unnecessarily. Why? Because it downloads the imported modules and evaluates the code of each module before executing your code.

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JavaScript ES2020 — The Features You Should Know
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