With the exponential growth of the World Wide Web over the years, the data being generated also grew exponentially. This led to a massive amount of data being created and it was being difficult to process and store this humungous amount of data with the traditional relational database systems.

Also, the data created was not only in the structured form but also in the unstructured format like videos, images, etc. This kind of data cannot be processed by relational databases. To counter these issues, Hadoop came into existence.

Before we dive into the data processing of Hadoop, let us have an overview of Hadoop and its components. Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows the storing and processing of huge quantities of data in a swift and efficient manner. It can be used to store huge quantities of structured and unstructured data. Learn more about hadoop ecosystem and components.

The pivotal building blocks of Hadoop are as follows: –

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Data Processing In Hadoop: Hadoop Components Explained [2021] |
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