What Is The Cost To Develop mHealth Apps?

As per the report of Researchandmarkets.com, the global market of mHealth apps has grown and by 2023 it is expected to reach the US $102.35 billion. These numbers not only indicate the technological advancements taking place in this arena but also indicate its increasing popularity among app users. 

If you want your app to stand out then you need to plan your app accordingly. A well-set strategy including all the details like app designing, development, and deployment needs to be considered when deciding the app timeline of the app and this will help you estimate the cost. 

Such a strategy will help you understand the expenses covered at each stage and thus keep you prepared for the same and save your resources too.  Before starting the actual app development, you may have to bear expenses in the form of app design and user research & testing. So when estimating the cost, think about the same too.       

When calculating the cost of developing an mHealth app you need to consider a few factors like:

App features

The cost to develop a mHealth app with complex features and functionality is more compared to developing an app with simple features. So when you are planning to add certain features to the app try to know whether your users truly need them or not. There is no meaning in adding features that interest no users.   

Time to market

Be clear about the decided timeline for your app development in the first place. The time to develop the app is directly proportionate to the cost of developing it. Unexpected delays in the app development and issues with third-party integrations will extend the timeline. This means more hours will be spent on completing the project.  

Development platform

The cost of your app development will be influenced by the platform you choose for your app. For example, you may not have to spend more for developing an app for iOS as compared to the Android platform. However, you need to maintain higher levels of quality for the iOS platform as they follow stricter rules. Again, if you wish to develop an app for both platforms then you should think about such expenses too.    

Regulations & Compliance

When developing the mobile health app it is important to make sure it follows the government set regulations. For example, if you are building a healthcare app for US residents then it needs to be HIPPA compliant and GDPR compliant if you are developing for EU states. Failing to do so can lead to legal action taken against the app development firm and can lead to heavy fines too. 

In-house v/s outsourcing

When you are trying to determine the cost of developing an app, this point always seems to be on the back of the head. When you think about the money factor, choosing an in-house team can seem to be favourable but you need to consider the team size and their expertise for the matter. If the team is smaller in size then they must be juggling many things and thereby lack the attention and time needed to complete the app on time. They also don’t have the budget for the same. If the team is larger in size, they will be having the potential to build larger teams. However, it is up to you to decide whether you need to hire resources or outsource the work. 

So once you have your app developed don’t think it is the end of expenses. It just means half the battle is won. You will have to keep people encouraged to download and use your app. This means your marketing tactics have to be powerful and that means spending more bucks. Moreover, the app will also have to go through regular maintenance and bug checks. This has to be considered within your budget too. 

To sum up

It is not possible to give a single answer when estimating the cost of mHealth app development. It depends on many factors like the ones discussed above. So it is important you consider every aspect and discuss the cost associated with each one of them. Together you need to consider the cost of app development.

What Is The Cost To Develop mHealth Apps?
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