In this tutorial will guide you in creating a responsive E-Grocery Website System using Vue.js and Vuetify.js. You will learn how to set up your development environment, define components, and integrate Vuetify.js to help design your website. Vue.js will help you handle user interfaces efficiently while providing an intuitive development experience. In conjunction with Vuetify.js, you will be able to create visually appealing and responsive web pages. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the skills to create stunning user interfaces and create a functional e-commerce website using Vue.js and Vuetify.js.

- Vuetify JS and Vue JS
- Using  Javascript | HTML - CSS 
- Card & Div & Button & Image & Toggle & Grid
- Navbar & Footer & Section
- Material design icons and Font Awsome icons
----------------------- Commande ----------------------------------
vue create egrocery
cd egrocery
vue add vuetify
npm install material-design-icons-iconfont -D
npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free -D
npm run serve
#vue #vuetify #egrocery
------------------------Code Source ------------------------------- 


#vuejs #vuetify  

How to Create a Responsive E-Grocery Website System using Vue.js and Vuetify.js
3.20 GEEK