[SnapML] a game-changer…This now becomes the easiest way for ML developers to put their work in front of a large audience. I would say it’s analogous to how YouTube democratized video publishing.

~ Hart Woolery, Snap Creator and CEO of 2020CV, on SnapML

Since the introduction of Core ML and TensorFlow Lite in late 2017, the intersection of mobile experiences and machine learning has been focused primarily on native app experiences. That equation has changed, however, with the recent unveiling of the newest platform for mobile machine learning: SnapML in Lens Studio.

But there remains a core roadblock to the true democratization of this cutting-edge technology—without significant ML know-how, creators, designers, and others are left with a confusing ML development ecosystem and without a feasible way to build truly custom SnapML-powered Lenses.

That’s where Fritz AI enters the picture. Today we’re thrilled to announce our platform’s support for building and implementing custom machine learning models in SnapML. With this set of capabilities, Fritz AI users can open doors to new horizons of creativity and immersion.

Leveraging our end-to-end development platform, creators, designers, developers, and more can quickly infuse custom machine learning models into Snapchat Lenses.

#lens-studio #snapchat #machine-learning #heartbeat #augmented-reality #ai

Announcing Fritz AI’s Support for SnapML in Lens Studio
1.10 GEEK