Anyone who recently started working on Jenkins or a couple of years ago, would by default go with creating pipelines for their CI/CD workflow. There is a parallel world, people who have been using Jenkins from its inception, who didn’t get on a foot race with new Jenkins features and stayed very loyal to “Freestyle jobs”. Don’t get me wrong, Freestyle job does the work, can be efficient and a simple solution if you have a 1 dimensional branching structure in your source control. In this post, I would discuss why switching to Multibranch Pipeline was needed for one of our enterprise customer and how it has made their life easy.

Freestyle Vs Pipeline jobs

Freestyle jobs are suitable for simple CI/CD workflow accompanied by a simple branching strategy. If you have multiple stages in your CI/CD design, then it’s not the right fit. That’s where the Pipeline enters.

#jenkins #pipeline #multibranch

Migrating Jenkins Freestyle Job to Multibranch Pipeline
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