A DraggableScrollableSheet is a widget that can be dragged, resized, and scrolled through a swipe gesture.

Its initial impression might seem like the BottomSheet widget.

Ok so wait! How can this widget be a really UX Booster or simply consider as. I know, well drive through before making such assumptions would be great. so shall we?

P.S. I’ve illustrated DraggableScrollableSheet, at the end. Feel free to skip to the end if you are in a hurry.

DraggableScrollableSheet’s Parameters

const DraggableScrollableSheet({
 Key key,
 this.initialChildSize = 0.5,
 this.minChildSize = 0.25,
 this.maxChildSize = 1.0,
 this.expand = true,
 @required ScrollableWidgetBuilder this.builder,

#ux #technology #flutter-widget #flutter #programming

Flutter: DraggableScrollableSheet
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