Animation package for Flutter, inspired by Animate.css
Enables you to create stunning flutter animations, faster, efficient and with less code.
Partly inspired by the amazing Animate.css package by Dan Eden. Please note, although it’s inspired by Animate.css, this still is a Flutter package, meaning it will be available for all flutter-supported platforms.
Animated Side Drawer Implementation in Flutter
A powerful Flutter package for building complex animation step by step.
Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children.
A simple and beautiful animated app bar created with Flutter.Flutter application showcasing the creation of an animated app bar.
This repository contains the Liquid Swipe source code. Liquid swipe is the revealing clipper to bring off amazing liquid like swipe to stacked Container and inspired by Cuberto’s liquid swipe and IntroViews.
Zerker is a lightweight and powerful flutter graphic animation library
With Zerker, you can create a lot of seemingly cumbersome animation effects, such as animated animations, pop-up animations, scene transitions, icon effects, and more.
At the same time, you can create a lot of simple games with Zerker. Zerker contains elements such as sprites, scrolling backgrounds, and atlases, making it easy to create game worlds with them.
A simple widget for having UI elements that respond to taps with a spring animation.
A simple widget for animating a set of images with full custom controls as an alternative to using a GIF file.
If you have a GIF file you would like to use with this package, I recommend EZGIF to convert your GIF file to an image sequence.
It is highly recommended to read the documentation and run the example project on a real device to fully understand and inspect the full range of capabilities.
flutter animation explorer
A Flutter PageView indicator insprired by worm animation. It can be easily integrated with any Flutter PageView. Pull requests are welcome
A Flutter library for gradually painting SVG path objects on canvas (drawing line animation).
flutter stepper_touch widget
the concept of the widget inspired from Nikolay Kuchkarov. i extended the functionality to be more useful in real world applications
Circular Reveal Animation as Flutter widget!
Selectable Circle where colors can be customized and a child widget can be defined
Flutter package for creating awesome animations.
Flutter animation curves visualizer based on a CustomPainter
flutter animation explorer
A package provides an easy way to add shimmer effect in Flutter project
A basic particle generator sample written in Flutter.
A package to display blinking point to your mobile app in Flutter
Widgets for creating Hero-like animations between two widgets within the same screen.
A package for flip panel with built-in animation
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