Writing an operator can be difficult because of the amount of Kubernetes component knowledge required to do so. The Operator SDK is a framework that uses the controller-runtime library to help make writing operators simpler - it enables the development of an Operator in Helm, Go, or Ansible.

What Can An Ansible Operator Do That A Generic Operator Can’t?

An Ansible Operator offers the same things that an Ansible does, but with a lower entry barrier and faster iterations. It essentially delivers the power of Ansible and its ecosystem. Around the period CoreOS was being acquired by Red Hat, the release of a framework and development kit for a concept known as Operators was developed. Operators have now evolved and become one of the most effective ways of managing Kubernetes clusters and associated applications. However, it can sometimes be difficult to define what an operator is, or explain how a cluster can be improved. While they do a good job of abstracting out Kubernetes objects, it’s a little difficult to explain the interaction between objects and operators.

We’re going to attempt to solve a totally selfish problem here - we’ll write a Kubernetes Operator that’s intended to deploy customized customer workshops. This way, we’ll spend less time deploying them manually when a workshop attendee books their environment. Before we proceed with highlighting the solution, let’s give a quick overview of the problem we intend to solve.

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Deploying And Maintaining Kubernetes Using Ansible
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