Flutter Plugin for Selecting Images/videos From The android and IOS Image Library


Flutter plugin for selecting images/videos from the Android and iOS image library, and taking pictures/videos with the camera

ios(10+): ZLPhotoBrowser

android(21+): PictureSelector

This plugin is learn from lisen87/image_pickers


  • pick multiple images/videos from photo album (wechat style)
  • use camera to take image/video
  • crop images with custom aspectRatio
  • compress images with quality/maxSize
  • localizations currently support english,chinese,japanese(more for android)

Don’t need to set localizations,the plugin will follow system


For ios:

<string>Example usage description</string>
<string>Example usage description</string>
<string>Example usage description</string>

For android:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />


images_picker: ^newest
import "package:images_picker/images_picker.dart";


  • simple picker image
Future getImage() async {
    List<Media> res = await ImagesPicker.pick(
      count: 3,
      pickType: PickType.image,
// Media
// .path
// .thumbPath (path for video thumb)
// .size (kb)
  • simple open camera
  pickType: PickType.video,
  maxTime: 15, // record video max time
  • add gif support
  // ...
  gif: true, // default is true
  • add cropper (gif crop unsupported)
  // ...
  // when cropOpt isn't null, crop is enabled
  cropOpt: CropOption(
    aspectRatio: CropAspectRatio.custom,
    cropType: CropType.rect, // currently for android
  • add compress
  // ...
  // when maxSize/quality isn't null, compress is enabled
  quality: 0.8, // only for android
  maxSize: 500, // only for ios (kb)

All params

// for pick
int count = 1,
PickType pickType = PickType.image,
bool gif = true,
CropOption cropOpt,
int maxSize,
double quality,

// for camera
PickType pickType = PickType.image,
int maxTime = 15,
CropOption cropOpt,
int maxSize,
double quality,


  • [ ] save image/videos to Photo album
  • [ ] use custom themeColor

Download Details:

Author: chavesgu

Source Code: https://github.com/chavesgu/images_picker

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Flutter Plugin for Selecting Images/videos From The android and IOS Image Library
15.40 GEEK