How to Secure a Website from Hackers? [A Definative Guide]

I’m not stating this to scare you, but it’s the truth of our current environment. Every day, around 30,000 websites are hacked.

You can’t think to yourself, “It won’t happen to me.” This is a common sentiment among businesses that I encounter. They believe that hackers are preoccupied with other issues and have no incentive to target their websites. That isn’t the case at all. In reality, small firms are the target of 43% of cyber-crime.

In 2019, over half of all businesses globally report they have been the victim of a cyber assault. Only 40% of organizations feel they are equipped to deal with cyber-attacks.

I don’t have a mystical crystal ball or any other ability to see into the future, but my instinct tells me that cyber thieves aren’t going to quit hacking websites one day. The bottom line is that hackers will never stop trying to get an advantage. As a result, you must maintain your website security regularly or you can make your website development process in better manner to protect it from cyber-attacks.

That is what prompted me to develop this manual. I’ll show you what you need to do now, in 2021, to safeguard your website.

How to Keep Your Website Safe?

Below here you will find a step by step guide regarding how to secure a website from hackers.

Step 1. HTTP URL:

If your website isn’t already employing the HTTPS protocol, it should be at the top of your to-do list. This assures your website users that they’re talking with the correct server and that nothing else can change or intercept the material they’re looking at.

Without HTTPS, a hacker can alter the page’s content and collect personal information from your site’s users. They may, for example, steal user login information and passwords.

The HTTPS protocol will also help you rank higher in search results. Websites that employ this security technique are rewarded by Google.

Get the full blog from here: How to protect website from hackers?

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How to Secure a Website from Hackers? [A Definative Guide]
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