The requirements differ from project to project no matter who the client is, even if the same nature and needs will be different from any two projects.

One of our clients in the past had this specific requirement towards our Angular Development team regarding converting PDF to the image format of JPEG/PNG functionality in his Angular 11 application.

Our experienced developer team did their fair share of digging regarding the requirement and has got some refreshing insights through the entire process.

We thought, why not share the knowledge we have found with our development community as well!

So here we go,

The packages have used during the entire process were as listed below,

  • Cropperjs
  • Html2canvas
  • Ng2-pdf-viewer

The steps were effortless

  • Step.1 create your application.
  • Step.2 Run your Angular application to your local machine
  • Step 3 for UI part install bootstrap
  • Step.4 Installation of ng2-pdf-viewer package
  • Step.5 Upload PDF
  • Step.6 Display

To get more insightful details and a fair idea with code snippets, do check out our experienced developer’s curated blog on Convert PDF to image in Angular 11

#angular #javascript #developer #web-development

Convert pdf to JPEG/PNG Image in angular 11 with this tutorial.
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