Okay, so when I say Server Side rendering, I also mean quite a few things related to it. For instance, NodeJS and webpack.

You obviously wouldn’t bother rendering your react app server-side as a beginner when you’re still figuring out how react works and it’s fine. All I’m saying is, you should at least have an idea about what it is and why it is important, so that when you go for your next internship and their server side rendering their app, you are not clueless.

If you are reading about server-side rendering, you’d also come across some server side code and terms like bundles, build process, etc. It’s important that you pay attention to these things because knowing about these will help you a lot in the long run. You should be able to configure webpack, babel.

Along the process, you’ll learn some basic server side code , if you don’t already and better your overall knowledge of how these libraries/frameworks work. I am not going to bore you with details about SSR here, you can find plenty of articles online. But I can list some advantages.

  1. SEO

Easy to index the page in search engines. If you’re fetching data asynchronously after displaying a loader/spinner on initial render search engines may not find what you would want them to.

2.** Better performance (in some cases)**

There’s no need to download a JavaScript file before the page is loaded. The client’s browser immediately displays a completely rendered HTML file. This avoids the loading time required for client-side rendering. Although, initial load time may increase for very rich and heavy webpages. You could easily find some comparisons online and decide for yourself.

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4 Tips Beginner React Devs Should Follow
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