This guide aims to cover everything that a data science learner may need to write and publish articles on the internet. It covers why you should write, writing advice for new writers, and a list of places that invite contributions from new writers.

Let’s get to it!

Why you should write:

Writing isn’t just for “writers”. The art of writing well is for everyone to learn - programmers, marketers, managers and leaders, alike. And yes, data scientists and analysts too!

You should write articles because when you do:

You learn:

Writing teaches you the art of writing. It’s kind of circular but it’s true.

Make no mistake, the art of writing isn’t about grammar (although, that’s important) and flowery language (definitely not important). It’s about conveying your thoughts with clarity in simple language.

And learning this art is important even if you absolutely know that you don’t want to write blogs/articles for a living. It’s important because all the jobs have some form of writing involved - messages, emails, memos and the whole spectrum. So basically, writing is a medium for almost any job you can have.

Apart from that, when you write you learn the things that you thought you knew but didn’t really know. So, writing is an opportunity to learn better.

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