Communication in a relationship is key, so they say. Without communication, any relationship is as good as dead. In this era and age, technology as taken the center stage as far as communication is concerned. In this article, we will analyze WhatsApp messages between my fiance and I and at the end of the day you can apply the knowledge on your on WhatsApp data. We will use Python in this analysis and specifically deal with: Pandas Tables, Data Visualization, Data Cleaning and much more.

Before we go through this I will like to mention that we have been in this relation for a year and half now and the chats available are from Dec, 18 2019 to Aug 10, 2020 (236 days or 7 months, 23 days). In between this period I traveled out of my home country and I left her back home. We are natively Kenyans but I am currently in South Africa.

Lets now go ahead to analyze the data. I will like us to go through this in steps so that it is clear to you.

#whatsapp #data-visualization #pandas #python #programming

7 Months of a Relationship, WhatsApp Messages Analyzed
1.50 GEEK