Effective communication is essential for us data scientists, and Plotly’s interactive plots are a great tool for that. But when it comes to presenting our work in a traditional slide-styled presentation, those plots are hard to integrate in our daily tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides. In this post, we’ll get to know the Spectacle editor — a presentation tool by Plotly that allows to embed your interactive plots and animations in your slides and level up your presentation.

But .pptx works just fine… why bother?

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Photo by Leonardo Baldissara on Unsplash

Imagine you’ve covered what you thought was important for your presentation and then get follow-up questions from your audience that refer to minor details or a certain subgroup of your population. Now, you have to go back to your code to retrieve an answer or follow up on that later. Wouldn’t it be way easier to just slice up your plot and retrieve whatever needed right on spot? Check out, for example, this parallel coordinates plot that you can filter and highlight on any variable:

#data-visualization #data-science #python #machine-learning #programming

Embed Interactive Plots in Your Slides with Plotly
53.90 GEEK