Some time ago I wrote an article explaining the concept of generators and how to use them in Python, but did you know that JavaScript has its own version of generators? This is actually a concept many people who develop JavaScript apps didn’t know it existed, so today we are going to introduce generators in JavaScript.

What are generators?

With ES6 we got introduced to great new functionality like arrow functionsspread operators, and generators among others, but what is a generator? A generator is a function that contrary to normal functions allows for the function to be exited and later re-entered with its context (variable bindings) preserved across re-entrances.

Let’s break that down and look into generators step by step so that we can all understand how they work. When we execute a regular function, the interpreter will run all the code into that function until the function is completed (or throws an error). This is known as the run-to-completion model.

Let’s take an example of a very simple function:

function regularFunction() {
    console.log("I'm a regular function")
    console.log("Surprise surprice")
    console.log("This is the end")


I'm a regular function
Surprise surprice
This is the end

Nothing fancy yet, just as you expected is a regular function that’s executing until it reaches the end or returns a value. But what if we just want to stop the function at any point to return a value, and then continue? That’s when generators enter the picture.

My first generator function

function* generatorFunction() {
    yield "This is the first return"
    console.log("First log!")
    yield "This is the second return"
    console.log("Second log!")
    return "Done!"

Before we execute that function you may be wondering about a few things, first what is function*? That’s the syntax we use to declare a function as a generator. And what about yield? The yield, in difference to a return, will pause the function by saving all its states and will later continue from that point on successive calls. In both cases, the expression will be returned to the callers’ execution.

What did exactly happened to our function as such? Let’s find out by calling the function:


generatorFunction {<suspended>} {
    __proto__: Generator
    [[GeneratorLocation]]: VM272:1
    [[GeneratorStatus]]: "suspended"
    [[GeneratorFunction]]: ƒ* generatorFunction()
    [[GeneratorReceiver]]: Window
    [[Scopes]]: Scopes[3]

#javascript #programming #generator #yield

How to Use Generator and yield in JavaScript
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