In this video, Alejandro Duarte shows how to use the visual drag&drop designer of Vaadin to implement a web form and connect it to a Java backend.

0:00 Intro
0:25 Creating a new Vaadin project
2:37 Installing the Vaadin Designer plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
3:23 Adding a new Vaadin 10+ design
5:31 Selecting a template (starting point for the design)
6:33 Understanding the main parts of Vaadin Designer
7:34 Adding UI components to the design
8:43 Configuring UI components (texts and labels)
9:27 Adjusting the layout (alignment, margin, and components size)
10:20 Exposing the design as a view using @Route
12:37 Accessing the UI components in Java
15:25 Adding a Java back-end service
17:58 Connecting the backend service to the design (view)
19:57 Summary


#vaadin #intellij

How to Use the Visual Drag&Drop Designer of Vaadin | Vaadin Designer with IntelliJ IDEA
46.40 GEEK