20+ React Native Listview Component Examples

Explore the 20+ best React Native listview component examples to help you create beautiful and interactive lists for your mobile apps. These examples cover a wide range of use cases, including simple lists, sortable lists, and paginated lists. 

1.React Native Header View

Fully customizable Header View with multiple design options for React Native.

React Native Header View

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2.React Native Modal Select List

React Native modal component to select options from list.

React Native Modal Select List

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3.React Native Lottie files picker

A React Native List that supports the selection of beautiful Lottie Animations sourced by Lottie Files.

React Native Lottie files picker

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4.Closing swipe list

React Native Closing swipe list purly implemented in Javascript.

Closing swipe list

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5.React Native Select Multiple

A customiseable FlatList that allows you to select multiple rows.

React Native Select Multiple

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6.React Native largelist

The best large list component for React Native
React-native-largelist is a very high performance large list component for React-Native. (iOS & Android) Now V3 is available. V1 is here

React Native largelist


  • Large data source list component, items reused by group, Less CPU/Memory usage. Never blanks.
  • Fully Cross-platform bounces (iOS & Android).
  • Highly customize Refreshing and Loading. Fully support react-native-lottie. More smoothly animation.

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7.React Native Touch Through View

eact Native Touch Through View is a simple component library that allows for scroll views and table views to scroll over interactable content without poor performing size and bounds animations.

You can achieve Spotify or Apple maps style drawer effects with the full performance of UIScrollView and without laggy onScroll events.

React Native Touch Through View

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8.React Native Draggable View

DraggableView is a component for react-native, it allows you have a vertical draggable view that you can drag up or drag down. So, if you drag and release that component, then it keeps moving until reach either initial position or container border.

React Native Draggable View

Demo: https://github.com/yaraht17/react-native-draggable-view/tree/master/example/CartView

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9.React Native Draggable FlatList

A drag-and-drop-enabled FlatList component for React Native.
Fully native interactions powered by Reanimated and React Native Gesture Handler.

To use swipeable list items in a DraggableFlatList see React Native Swipeable Item.
React Native Draggable FlatList

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10.React Native List slider

List slider for React Native - Pure JS Slider base on FlatList. Android and iOS platform supported. Tested on RN version 0.55.x.

React Native List slider

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11.React Native shoppin list

A React Native shoppin list example.

React Native shoppin list

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12.React Native Masonry Brick List

this is a staggered List view for react native (pure Js)
React Native Masonry Brick List

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13.React Native Sortable Listview

Drag drop capable wrapper of ListView for React Native. Allows for dragging and dropping of rows with automatic scrolling while dragging.
React Native Sortable Listview

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14.React Native Animated form

Collapsing toolbar for Android and iOS

React Native Animated form

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15.React Native FoldView

FoldingCell implementation in JavaScript. This project was inspired by the folding cell animation seen on Dribbble.

React Native FoldView

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16.React Native Nested Listview

A UI component for React Native for representing nested arrays of N levels

React Native Nested Listview

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17.React Native Input List Components

A React Native library with components for Input Lists

React Native Input List Components

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18.React Native Immutable ListView

Drop-in replacement for React Native’s ListView, FlatList, and VirtualizedList.
React Native Immutable ListView

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19.React Native Smooth Swipe List

A swipe-able ListView component modeled after the list view in the iOS Mail app.

React Native Smooth Swipe List

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20.React Native Gridview

A flexible grid view based on React Native’s ListView component

React Native Gridview

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21.React Native Pagination

Animated Pagination For React Native’s ListView, FlatList, and SectionList
React Native Pagination

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22.React Native Swipe list View

A React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed

React Native Swipe list View

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23.React Native Search List

A searchable ListView which supports Chinese PinYin and alphabetical index.

React Native Search List

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24.React Native TapTargetView

React Native Bridge for KeepSafe/TapTargetView

Before we dive into on how to use this library. We would like to thank all the contributor of KeepSafe/TapTargetView for providing such a awesome nice, cool library

iOS Platform
Please refer react-native-material-showcase-ios for the iOS support

React Native TapTargetView

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25.Grid list component

Grid list component implemented with FlatList
Grid list component

Demo: https://snack.expo.io/@gusgard/react-native-grid-list

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20+ React Native Listview Component Examples
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