So, let’s say you had a service or application that was built on an orchestration platform such as Kubernetes. In doing so, you must also address an overflowing array of architectural issues, including security, multi-tenancy, API gateways, CLI, configuration management, and logging.

Wouldn’t you like to save some manpower and development time and focus on creating something unique to your problem?

Well, it just so happens that your solution lies in what’s called a Custom Resource Definition, or CRD. The CRD enables engineers to plug in your own Object and application as if they were a native Kubernetes component. This is extremely powerful in creating tool and services built on Kubernetes

By doing this, you can build out the custom resources for your application as well as use Kubernetes RBAC to provide security and authentication to your application. These custom resources will be stored in the integrated etcd repository with replication and proper lifecycle management. They will also leverage all the built-in cluster management features which come with Kubernetes.


Understanding and building Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
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