Design and develop highly performant UIs that don’t crack under pressure

In the modern world, data has become one of the most valuable commodities available. Companies collectively spend billions sourcing, shaping and analysing it.

As a result of this shift, the amount of data we have available to us has outgrown our traditional ways of viewing it

Now engineers all over the world are rethinking the technologies we use, and employing various tactics to ensure they are capable of handling this increase in information.

The user-facing element is no exception to this. It is unrealistic to assume it could render millions of data points out of the box.

I was recently in a team at a startup that was responsible for building the front-end to a network monitoring tool. The challenge here was the sheer amount of events we were expecting to have to process and present to the client in a valuable way.

Within this overarching challenge lay several questions we’d have to answer if the product were to be successful, with one standing out in particular.

#software-engineering #user-experience #user-interface #design #big-data

How to Build User Interfaces for Big Data
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