Heroku provides the necessary components to integrate cloud services with Salesforce to easily create a burndown chart to track performance.

In my role as a consultant for CleanSlate Technology Group, I am required to enter my time on a periodic basis. Our company currently utilizes the FinancialForce solution within Salesforce for professional services billing. For years, I have found that it is easier to enter my time on a daily basis. This allows me to provide detailed comments on what was accomplished with each time entry. At the start of the month, I work with the service delivery manager and my clients to establish a personal goal. This goal is normally set in total hours for a given month.

I like to make my goal and create a personal burndown chart, so I can quickly see how my billable hours compare to the hours expected. I quickly realized that Salesforce did not provide a default reporting solution that met my needs. Using Microsoft Excel, I was able to create a sheet which included a burndown chart:

excel sheet

I began to wonder how quickly and easily I could automate this process of connecting Salesforce data using traditional cloud options, such as Heroku. After all, Heroku is a Salesforce company.

#spring boot #angular #salesforce #heroku #connect #highcharts

Integrating Traditional Cloud Development With Salesforce
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