Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instances are a convenient way to run workloads on Virtual Machines (VM). But what happens if the storage they’re attached to fails or becomes corrupt? It’s time to begin discussing an AWS EC2 backup.

When you backup an EC2 instance, you’ll be talking Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, more specifically EBS snapshots. EC2 stores all volumes with EBS and taking an EBS snapshot is a great way to backup your data.

In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to create EBS snapshots with the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Related:How to Manage and Automate AWS EC2 Snapshots with PowerShell

If you’d like to manage EC2 backups/EBS snapshots the easy way, be sure to check out Veeam Backup for AWS. Veeam takes care of not only creating EBS snapshots but manages replication, intelligently monitors for changed blocks, and provides a public API.

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How to Backup AWS EC2 Instances with EBS Snapshots
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