Learn Web Development in 2019 | Web Dev Tutorials - A guide to launching your career in web development in 2019. I list the required skills and top courses to learn frontend and backend software engineering.

**Start a career in web development by learning to code online — no degree in computer science required **🤓

The demand for software engineers has exploded, and there are resources available enabling anyone to find a job as a developer. With the free and paid tutorials available online, you are able to learn to code

regardless of your background — I personally don’t have a CS degree along with countless other devs that I have worked with.

This article is your roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019. It outlines the best tutorials and top courses to provide a path to start a career as a frontend or backend engineer.


This article is divided into 7 sections:

  1. Getting Started: Where to begin if you are brand new to coding
  2. General Coding & Tools: Programming concepts every dev should know
  3. Frontend Development: Learn how to build user interfaces (UI’s)
  4. Backend Development: Learn how to build API’s and write server code
  5. JavaScript and Coding In-depth: Learn JS from top to bottom
  6. Software Engineering Books: These are books I’ve found to be generally helpful in improving my overall understanding of programming and making a positive impact on the job. (Find the full list here)
  7. Job Advice & Wrap Up: Some final quick tips on how to search for a job and continue your growth as a developer

If you are new programming or still learning the basics, you should begin with the “Getting Started” section to solidify core coding principles. The “General Coding & Tools” section contains content every developer should know such as Git, the command line, and essential tools.

Web development is typically divided into two disciplines — the frontend and the backend. The frontend is the UI that users interact with inside the web browser and is concerned with layout, styling, and managing data sent from the server —for the developers interested in the visual aspects and interactivity. The backend is focused on creating APIs and handling the complex logic of the application — for developers interested in data and pure logic.

I strongly recommend being at least comfortable with both the frontend and backend because having knowledge of the full stack is incredibly valuable and makes your skill set much more appealing. However, you can still find roles by knowing one piece of the stack very well.

These are all products that I personally recommend. For some of them, I do receive compensation if you use the links in the article. If you do find something you like, your support is appreciated.

1. Getting Started with Coding

Your first encounter with programming

Knowing where to start can be the most intimidating part of programming. My recommendation — learn JavaScript.

  1. JavaScript is a relatively easy language to learn
  2. JavaScript is required to build web applications since it is the programming language that runs in the browser
  3. JavaScript can be used on the frontend and the backend, allowing you to write full-stack applications with a single language
  4. There are tons of jobs for JavaScript developers

If you know that you either only want to work with data or exclusively on the backend, learning Python is the other option that is good for beginners.
There are plenty of high-quality free options to get started with coding. freeCodeCamp and Codecademy** **are excellent choices and are great to set your foundation.

Once you have the basics down, a great next step is JavaScript30**. **Wes Bos teaches JS by building 30 projects in 30 days for free.

You should try to do real projects as quickly as possible. This is the best way to learn and the most beneficial when looking for a job.
If you want to speed things up these are some great courses to go start from a beginner in JS and advance quickly.

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019)

Advanced Javascript

If you are looking for a subscription option with courses that will take you from beginner to pro, a great option is Morioh You must sign up for a subscription (free trial offered), but they have excellent content on almost everything.

2. General Coding and Tools

This section will focus on requirements for any developer. You should be proficient with the command line, know how to version control your code with Git, and the fundamentals of the web.

Command Line

The command line is how you run your code. You must be able to navigate and execute the required commands. The better you are on the command line, the more efficient you will be as a developer.

For Windows users, you are now able to run a true Linux terminal on your machine, so I highly recommend this approach because Unix (also used in Macs) is the most common environment you will use on the job.

Pick a Text Editor

VS Code is the is the top choice for web developers, which makes it a great place to start — it’s personally what I use. However, there are many excellent options available such as Atom, WebStorm, or Vim for the hardcore.

The text editor is where you will write all your code, and the terminal is where you execute it. As a developer, this is where live. Spend some time to pick the right editor, set up the plugins, and learn the hotkeys. Having the right workflow can dramatically increase your productivity.

Git and Version Control

Git is the tool used to save code and create different versions, allowing you to collaborate with other developers. The top place to store code and collaborate on open source software is GitHub.

Web Fundamentals (Learn these at some point)

3. Learn Frontend Development

JavaScript is the foundation of modern web development. The popular client-side libraries — React, Angular, and Vue — are all written in JavaScript. Knowing vanilla JavaScript thoroughly is essential to leveling up and having the required skills to build complex applications. Before diving too deep into JS, you should know HTML and CSS. Even though the UI is coded in JS, it still generates HTML and is styled by CSS.

The Complete 2019 Web Development Bootcamp

The most complete course on web development. Start with HTML and CSS, learn JavaScript and how it interacts with the DOM, and eventually build a full stack web application.

The Web Developer Bootcamp


HTML and CSS are typically learned together. HTML is the skeleton of the page that gives is structure, and CSS is language that gives it style.

HTML and CSS for Absolute Beginners

Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

CSS: The Complete Guide (Advanced CSS)


Since JavaScript is used in both the frontend and the backend, I included those resources in the “Getting Started” section as well. JS will be your main tool, so know it well and devote the time to learning it deeply.

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019)

Advanced Javascript

UI Libraries (React, Vue, Angular)

Modern UI development has gravitated towards a component model with 3 libraries as the primary ones used on the job — React, Vue, and Angular. You are better off knowing one of them very well as opposed to trying to learn all 3. Then on the job, you will be able to pick up something different if the company uses a library that you did not learn. React is the most popular, but Vue and Angular are both being adopted rapidly.


Modern React with Redux (2019)

React 16.6 — The Complete Guide (incl. React Router & Redux)

Beginner React (2019). Create a Movie Web App

GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide


Vue JS 2 — The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)

Vue.js Essentials - 3 Course Bundle

Vue JS Essentials with Vuex and Vue Router


Angular 8 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide

The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced

Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers

4. Learn Backend Development

The backend is where you talk to the database, handle business logic, and send the necessary data to the frontend.


Node is how we execute JavaScript outside the browser which can be used to build APIs on the backend/server.

The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

**NodeJS - The Complete Guide **

Learn and Understand NodeJS


Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3

Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn Python Programming Masterclass

The Python Bible™ | Everything You Need to Program in Python

The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications


The database is the permanent storage for the data of your application. Typically the backend will make a query against the database during an API call. There are 2 common database types — SQL and NoSQL.

The Copmlete SQL Bootcamp

The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert


GraphQL itself is not a database but a query language on top of databases. Many people believe it is going to revolutionize app development and totally change how we build APIs. It is rapidly gaining adoption and being utilized by tech giants and top startups.

The Bootcamp Modern GraphQL

GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide


Mongo is the most popular NoSQL database used with Node. It stores data in documents which are key/value pairs that easily map to JSON and JavaScript objects.

MongoDB - The Complete Developer’s Guide

The Complete Developers Guide to MongoDB

PostgreSQL / MySQL

These are two top SQL implementations and likely what you will see utilized at most companies.

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

SQL & PostgreSQL for Beginners

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails was the go-to startup language for years. It’s ease of use and convention-driven language made it easy to rapidly build products.

The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course


Much of the early internet was built on PHP and there are still many sites powered by it, including Facebook.

PHP for Beginners - Become a PHP Master - CMS Project


Java is used heavily by enterprise clients, so there are plenty of jobs available. For new beginners, it’s not the ideal language, but it could be a good option for software engineers coming from other areas.

Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers

Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass - Learn Spring Framework 5

5. JavaScript and Coding In-depth

I recommend working on real projects as quickly as possible. However, at some point, you will want to do a deep dive into JavaScript and learn how it all works underneath the hood. In addition, it is important to have an understanding of data structures, algorithms, and other general computer science knowledge.

You Don’t Know JavaScript (YDKJS)** **— This is simply the best book on JavaScript. If you work through this entirely, you will know the entire core language of JS. Read it free on GitHub or purchase physical or Kindle copies on Amazon.

TypeScript— This is not a requirement for beginners (unless you are using Angular), but TypeScript adoption is growing rapidly. Many think it’s the future of JavaScript.

Data Structures in JavaScript— Build the most common data structures from the ground up in JavaScript. This video series is a great extension to build the knowledge you have already gained and is an excellent resource for interviews as well.

**Eloquent JavaScript **** - **JavaScript , ES6, Babel, NPM, Webpack - entire JavaScript Ecosystem in a one JavaScript Bootcamp course!

Introduction to Algorithms** - **Learn Data Structures and Algorithms from Scratch. Start from basic Data Structure and move on till Intermediate level.

**Algorithms **— Learn about Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees, Hashtables, Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Sort algorithms and Search algorithms

6. Software Engineering Books

This selection is 5 books that will either make you a better coder in general or an essential book you will need at some point in your career, such as during interviews. Or, see a complete list of programming book recommendations.

If you are learning to web development, there is also a high likelihood you’re interested in startups. These are some of the top books about startups and the philosophies of those that are successful.

7. Job Advice & Wrap Up

By following these tutorials, you will be on your way to becoming a professional web developer. Make sure to start building real projects as quickly as possible and begin applying to jobs. Projects and deployed web apps are the best way to show a company that you will be able to contribute once you are hired.

Finding the first job is always a numbers game, so the more you apply, the better your odds are of getting an offer. It can take months though, so be ready for the long road. However, you will get one eventually and every job going forward will be much easier to get after landing that first role.


Thanks for reading :heart: If you liked this post, share it with all of your programming buddies! Follow me on Facebook | Twitter


Learn Web Development in 2019 | Web Dev Tutorials
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