In this post, we will show how we can use Python to get data from Google Trends. Let’s have a look at the top trending searches for today in the US (14th of March, 2020). As we can see, the top search is about Coronavirus tips with more than 2M searches, and at the 7th position is Rick Pitino with around 100K searches.

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Python package for getting the Google Trends

We will use the pytrends package which is an unofficial API for Google Trends which allows a simple interface for automating downloading of reports from Google Trends. The main feature is to allow the script to login to Google on your behalf to enable a higher rate limit. At this point, I want to mention that I couldn’t use this package and I created a new anaconda environment installing the pandas 0.25 version.

You can install the pytrends package with pip:

pip install pytrends

#google-trends #how-to-use-google-trend #google #google-api #python

Get Google Trends using Python
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