Hi everyone for this particular story, to have a continuation with earlier post around CICD (please find the story below) I want to do some further exploration with the Gitlab. So far the AutoDevOps is quite interesting especially for beginners who want to have a quick start of the CICD journey.

High level approach of the CICD

For this concept test, I test a simple NodeJS apps which only serve an http get to return a certain message I set. However, let us try a little bit of everything:

  1. Setup the express server
  2. Setup the mocha-chai test for the unit testing
  3. Config the Dockerfile for image creation
  4. Set the Pipeline (Through the AutoDevOps)
  5. Integrate the existing GKE cluster for the entire pipeline
  6. Test it out :)

Requirements for the test (Gitlab & GKE)

  1. Deploy your GitLab env or use the gitlab.com (which I am using one)
  2. Deploy GKE cluster for Kubernetes integration
  3. Setup the codes

#gcp #cicd #gitlab #auto-devops #gke

Gitlab — Exploring CICD-AutoDevOps to GKE
1.45 GEEK