This article shows how a legacy API could be protected using an ASP.NET Core Yarp reverse proxy and Azure AD OAuth. The security is implemented using Azure AD and Microsoft.Identity.Web. Sometimes it is not possible to update an existing or old API within a reasonable price and the financially best way to use it in a public domain or using modern security is to use a reverse proxy and isolate the API through the proxy. Securing the API directly would always be the best solution if this is possible.



2021-04-03 Updated to Yarp.ReverseProxy nuget packages and Microsoft.Identity.Web 1.8.2


The Yarp ASP.NET Core application uses the Microsoft.Identity.Web Nuget package to secure the reverse proxy and if a HTTP request has a valid access token, the HTTP request is forwarded to the legacy API. To test the reverse proxy, a simple ASP.NET Core Razor page application is used to authenticate against Azure AD, to get an access token using the ITokenAcquisition interface and use the access token to access the reverse proxy API.

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Protecting legacy APIs with an ASP.NET Core Yarp reverse proxy
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