Hello friends,

This video is for people who are just getting started with programming or already know a language and curious about JavaScript. I am going through very basic concepts of JavaScript in this video. If you are new to programming then this is a perfect course for you.

Please practice with this course. If you get stuck somewhere then you can check the code at the GitHub repo. The link is mentioned below. I hope you learn a lot about JavaScript from this course. If you like the video please give thumbs up. If you want to support the channel, please subscribe to the channel. Also share with your friends :)

GitHub Repo - https://github.com/CuriousDrive/JavaScriptCourse

JS Fiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/JS

Reserved Keyword - https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_reserved.asp

Topics that we are going to over -

  1. Introduction, History & Scope
  2. IDE Introduction
  3. Hello World
  4. Statements
  5. Variables & Literals
  6. Identifiers
  7. Data Types
  9. Arithmetic Operator
  10. Operator Precedence
  11. String Operations
  12. if else & else if
  13. Comparison Operators
  14. Greater and Less than Operators
  15. Strict Comparison
  16. && Operator
  17. || Operator
  18. Switch Statements
  19. For Loop
  20. Continue & Break
  21. While Loop
  22. JavaScript Scope
  23. Functions
  24. Arrow Functions
  25. Events

#javascript #web-development #programming #developer

JavaScript Course for Beginners  - 1 Hour
4.85 GEEK